Eclectic Middle School is a middle school that serves approximately 480 students in grades five through eight. The schools is located in Eclectic, Alabama. Built in 2001, EMS is the newest of the school facilities in the Eclectic community. Elmore County High School and Eclectic Elementary School also serve students in the community. Eclectic Middle is one of the four middle schools in the Elmore County Public School System. There are about 50 faculty and staff members that are serving the students daily.
The facility includes a full size competition gymnasium, two computers labs, two science labs, a cafeteria, office complex, and library media center. Outdoor facilities include a softball field, recreation field, and an outdoor classroom.
Eclectic Middle School offers extracurricular activities for its students. These activities include the band, cheerleading, football, volleyball, softball, baseball, soccer, wrestling and basketball. Students may also participate in Jr. Beta Club and Student Council. The school colors are maroon and white. The school mascot is the Panther.
Currently, the school boasts the DREAM program, which is an extended day enrichment program for our students. Students are provided a nutritious meal, have physical activities, get assistance with homework assignments, and are engaged in academic and enrichment activities.